Unlock the Language of Cryptocurrency with Our Comprehensive Dictionary
Opening price: the value at which the first trade of the day for a specific quote occurs. It is the Portuguese synonym for "OPEN" and is also known as the opening quote.
National Association of Credit
A strategy for managing a fund or investment portfolio
Adam Back
Adam Back is a Ph.D. in Computer Science
Address of a cryptocurrency wallet.
ADR (American Depositary Receipt)
Receipts issued by a U.S. depositary bank to represent shares of foreign companies that want to have their financial assets traded on the U.S. stock market.
After Market
An extra period during which traders can operate on the stock exchange
AGE (Extraordinary General Meeting)
A meeting where shareholders are convened
AGO (Ordinary General Meeting)
A shareholders' meeting convened according to law and the issuing company's bylaws to present financial results
An event where projects distribute tokens or NFTs
A set of rules and steps to be followed to solve a problem, whether it be a calculation or another type. A mathematical example would be the steps to solve a rule of three. A non-mathematical
Algorithmic Trading
The use of algorithms to automatically execute trading strategies based on predefined criteria. These algorithms can analyze large volumes of data and make trades at high speeds, often leadin
All-Time High (ATH)
The highest price that a cryptocurrency or any other asset has reached in its entire history.
Alpha is a measure of the active return on an investment, compared to a market index or benchmark. It represents the excess return an investment earns relative to the return of a benchmark in
A term used to refer to all other cryptocurrencies that came after Bitcoin, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple, which you can also trade on Coinext.
Amir Taaki
Amir Taaki is a developer, crypto-anarchist, and one of the significant figures behind the development of Bitcoin technology, particularly in the areas of technical improvement, privacy, and
AML - Anti-Money Laundering
An acronym for Anti-Money Laundering, referring to techniques used to prevent money laundering, such as receiving money only via bank transfer and from the account holder, as Brazilian exchan
This financial market terminology refers to the gradual reduction of a debt through periodic payments. These are agreed upon in advance between creditor and debtor. The gradual reduction of a
ANA (Share Trading Notice)
A certificate of share trading operation sent by stock exchanges to the investor.
Arabica Coffee
Arabica coffee, or raw coffee beans, is a highly traded commodity in the BM&F Bovespa futures market. Its contract is for a minimum of 100 bags of 60 kg each, allowing producers to set a pric
The practice of exploiting price differences between markets or assets to generate a profit. Arbitrage involves buying low in one market and selling high in another.
Asset Allocation
The process of dividing investments among different asset classes to achieve a desired risk-return profile. Asset allocation aims to balance risk and reward based on an investor's goals and r
Asset Turnover
A financial analysis indicator that indicates how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate sales. The indicator is calculated by dividing net sales revenue by the company's total ass
Asymmetric Cryptography
Also called public key cryptography, it is used to send messages based on the public key and private key. Both participate in encrypting the transferred information and verifying that the ori
Average Price
The weighted average price of a stock during a trading day, weighted by the quantities of shares traded.
AVERAGE PRICE (Cotação Média)
The average price of a security observed during a trading day.
Average Profitability
The average of various profits achieved by a security over several periods.
B3, referencing the initials of Brasil, Bolsa, and Balcão, is the 5th largest capital and financial market exchange in the world, created from the merger between BM&F Bovespa and CETIP (Centr
Backing (Lastro)
Backing is an asset that aims to guarantee a primary asset. In other words, backing is used to relate an asset that initially has no value, such as paper, to something that has an implicit va
Bar Chart
A graphical representation of the prices of an asset over time, where each period considered (month, day, minutes, etc.) is indicated by a vertical bar on the scale. The top of this bar is th
An international document signed by Brazil in 1988
Bear Put Spread
A strategy used to limit losses that combines the sale of a call option with the simultaneous purchase of another call option.
A measure of an investment's sensitivity to market movements. A beta of 1 indicates that the investment's price moves in line with the market, while a beta greater than 1 indicates higher vol
The price offered in the trading session to buy or sell a lot of securities by representatives of brokerage firms.
Binance is an online exchange that allows users to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies. It's the world's largest centralized cryptocurrency exchange by daily trading volume.
Bit2Me Token (B2M)
Bit2Me Token (B2M) is a utility token created by Bit2Me with the goal of promoting the development of the company's products while offering a reward system to its holders and opening the door
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a peer-to-peer digital currency that operates independently of a central governing authority.
Bitcoin Address (Direção / Endereço Bitcoin)
An identifier of 27 to 34 alphanumeric characters that typically begins with 1 or 3. It is generated by a program called a wallet. Bitcoin is a system based on asymmetric cryptography; thus,
Bitcoin Change Address (Direção / Endereço de Câmbio Bitcoin)
Addresses implemented in Bitcoin wallets that allow users to receive 'change.' This change is similar to what we receive when we make a purchase, and the store returns the difference between
Bitcoin Futures
Bitcoin Futures are contracts that commit to buying or selling a certain amount of Bitcoin at a future date at a price already agreed upon by the parties in advance.
Black-Scholes is a pricing model for European-type options, where prices are determined based on certain variables, such as volatility, the price of the underlying asset, the risk-free intere
A fundamental element of the blockchain that miners create, enabling transactions made on a network to be linked. Blocks are created at intervals and link new transactions to those already ex
Block Explorer
Also known as a Blockchain Browser, it is a website or computer program that allows you to view the transactions, addresses, blocks, and any information of a specific blockchain and cryptocur
Block Trade
The negotiation of a large block of shares on the stock exchange through an auction. If the block represents a significant portion of the company's capital, some exchanges require the market
Blockchain (literally 'chain of blocks') is the name given to the network that underpins Bitcoin: it functions as a large public ledger, where all transactions are recorded quickly and secure
Blockchain Explorer
A website where you can view the information and status of transactions on a public blockchain network and thus verify the status of a transaction made with a particular cryptocurrency.
A company that offers wallet and block explorer services, often confused with the Bitcoin blockchain.
Blockstack (STX)
Blockstack is a project that aims to expand Bitcoin's functionalities by serving as a second-layer protocol, capable of enhancing the benefits of this cryptocurrency, offering advanced smart
Bloom Filter
Bloom filters are a type of information analysis function. They allow determining whether a specific data or set of data is stored in a database or a distributed data set. Their main characte
Generally, a stock issued by traditional, large companies that have high liquidity and demand in the stock market. Also known as first-line stock.
Blue Chip Stock
Also known as a first-line stock
BM&F (Commodities and Futures Exchange)
Where futures contracts and commodities such as exchange rates, interest rates, fat cattle, soybeans, corn, coffee, among others, are traded.
Established in 2008 through the integration of Bovespa Holding S.A. and the Commodities & Futures Exchange-BM&F S.A., the two largest exchanges in Latin America. This exchange offers a comple
Cryptocurrency issued by the Binance exchange and the native token for Binance's blockchain
A type of stock that does not issue a certificate
A structure used in scenarios of moderate appreciation, where it is possible to double the participation in the rise of an asset but with a maximum profit limit.
The place where stocks are traded. It is the only stock trading center in Brazil and stands out as the largest stock exchange in Latin America, concentrating about 70% of the region's trading
Bovespa Index Future
The future price of the Ibovespa (São Paulo Stock Exchange Index) on predetermined dates set by BM&F (Commodity and Futures Exchange).
The balance point between a company's expenses and revenues. When revenue exceeds expenses, the company shows a profit. Conversely, when expenses exceed revenue, it shows a loss. This term al
The term 'Broker' can be translated as 'corretor' (broker), although this term is not commonly used in this context since the financial market has a specific entity called 'corretora' (broker
Brokerage Fee (Corretagem)
The brokerage fee is an operational cost charged by the brokerage firm for each buy and sell order of securities on the exchange. Each brokerage firm has its own brokerage fee, which can be f
An auxiliary institution of the financial system that operates in the capital market with securities, especially in the stock market. It acts as an intermediary between investors in stock exc
Brokerage Firm (Term used in Crypto Assets)
A trading environment for assets, responsible for the intermediation. It ensures that the buyer receives the desired asset and the seller receives payment for the transaction. In the case of
Brokerage Firm (Term used in Trading)
The company responsible for intermediating the buying and selling of securities on the stock exchange. It is only through the brokerage firm that traders have access to B3 and can make their
BTC (CBLC Securities Lending System) (financial market)
A service through which investors make securities available for lending, and interested parties borrow them by providing collateral. The CBLC acts as a counterparty in the process and guarant
BTC (in cryptocurrencies)
The ticker symbol for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
BTN (National Treasury Bond)
A bond issued by the Brazilian government to raise funds in the financial market to execute and finance its debts. This bond no longer exists.
In the market, a bull is an investor who bets on an increase. Thus, a bull market is a market that is rising because the bulls are prevailing.
Bull Market
The 'bull market' refers to a market where prices are rising.
Bulletproofs are a type of cryptography designed to offer high levels of security, anonymity, and speed.
An aggressive upward movement on a chart, rising, mimicking a bull's charge (characterized by a significant rise followed by a short drop).
Burning is the process opposite to minting. When a project burns coins, the maximum supply decreases, causing the market capitalization to rise.
A strategy used to benefit from scenarios with large price fluctuations. In this type of operation, it is expected that the value of the underlying asset remains within a certain range until
BVRJ (Rio de Janeiro State Stock Exchange)
BVRJ (Rio de Janeiro State Stock Exchange): It was the first stock exchange founded in Brazil. Before the formal start of its operations in 1845, trading was carried out in an outdoor auction
Byzantine Fault Tolerance
This specification indicates that a system is capable of withstanding critical failures and ensuring trust in the information processed in a distributed manner.
CAC – 40
An index that represents the average daily variation of a theoretical portfolio of 40 stocks traded on the Paris Stock Exchange. These stocks are selected based on their market participation
Call (Call Option)
The term, which translates to 'call option' in Portuguese, is used in the options market when a trader acquires the right to buy a specific asset at a pre-established price (strike price) wit
Call Spread (Bull Call Spread)
A strategy used by traders to participate in the appreciation of an underlying asset without having to buy it. The operation consists of buying a call option with a determined strike price an
The redemption of bonds by the issuer through payment before maturity.
Candlestick Chart
A form of graphical representation used to display the historical prices of an asset within a market, allowing the user to obtain a large amount of valuable information quickly and easily.
The process of distributing available capital among different investment opportunities.
The subscription of new shares, with or without a premium, to increase a company's capital.
Capital Gain
The difference between the revenue received from the sale of a specific asset and the cost of acquiring that same asset.
The tax levied on the profit obtained from the sale of an asset.
The specific mix of a company's long-term sources of funds used to support its operations. This includes debt, equity, and hybrid instruments.
The rate used to determine the present value of a property based on its income-producing potential.
Cash Flow
A term used to refer to the cash flow statement disclosed by a company. It presents the inflow and outflow of cash. Additionally, it is a measure to determine a company's value through discou
Cash Turnover
A financial analysis indicator that expresses the number of times per year a company's cash turns over. This indicator is the result of dividing the company's revenue by its working capital.
ChainLink (LINK)
Chainlink (LINK) is a well-known decentralized oracle project running on the Ethereum blockchain, which has become a key pillar of interconnection between the real world, DApps, and the DeFi
Charlie Lee
Charlie Lee, better known as the father of Litecoin, is a well-known developer in the cryptocurrency world since its inception.
A visual representation of how variables behave when crossed with each other.
CheckSequenceVerify (CSV)
The CheckSequenceVerify operation code is an interesting Bitcoin feature that opens the door for advanced scripts allowing secure payments controlled by programmable time values.
CheckSum (Verification Sum)
Checksum is a simple cryptographic function that allows us to verify and ensure that a Bitcoin address is correctly written. A simple utility that helps identify typographical or other errors
Child Pays For Parent (CPFP)
Child Pays For Parent (CPFP) transactions are those in which a new transaction with a higher mining fee is created, so that when this new transaction is sent to the network, it forces the con
A term used to describe institutions, such as CBLC, that provide clearing and settlement services for transactions carried out on stock exchanges or other organized markets. These institution
An institution authorized to settle operations conducted by brokerage firms on Bovespa
An entity responsible for settling and clearing spot, forward, and options trades conducted on the exchange.
A software program that runs on a desktop, laptop, or mobile device. This software connects to the network and transmits all types of transactions. It may also contain Bitcoin wallets.
A set of data and general information about the qualifications of clients of brokerage firms.
Closed Position
An investor who closes a position, usually speculative, in a specific asset.
Closing Auction
It takes place during the last 5 minutes before the close of the trading session to determine the closing price.
CLOSING PRICE (Cotação de Fechamento)
The price that a security reaches in the last transaction of the trading day.
Cloud Mining
The process of renting mining power for a cryptocurrency from a company that offers this service over the Internet.
CLTV (CheckLockTimeVerify)
CLTV, or CheckLockTimeVerify, is an interesting time-lock feature in Bitcoin designed to allow its scripts to execute advanced time schedules in their transactions. It enables programming adv
Coinbase Maturity
Coinbase Maturity is a security feature applied to coinbase transactions of a cryptocurrency. Its task is to prevent a miner from using newly generated coins by their mining until a certain n
The term collateral refers to the items used by a company or individual to secure credit when taking out a loan. Thus, the collateral for a loan can be any asset over which the lender (who le
Collateral (Colateral)
Assets (usually securities) placed as collateral for a loan. Their value is generally equal to or greater than the loan amount.
This term used in the financial market refers to the anticipation of Income Tax collection in investment funds. This system, every six months, collects quotas from the funds at rates that can
Commercial Dollar (DÓLAR COMERCIAL)
The exchange rate published by the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN). It is used in the country's trade balance and services operations (exports, imports), external debt service payments, and di
Basic goods or raw materials that are traded in bulk on commodity markets. Examples include oil, gold, and agricultural products.
A stock that grants its holder the right to vote at the company's general meeting.
Compound Interest
Interest earned on the principal amount (the money contributed to an account) plus the interest that has accrued over a certain period. Compound interest allows you to grow money over time, m
Confidential Transactions
Confidential Transactions (CT) is a cryptographic protocol of the Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) type, designed to make cryptocurrency transactions on a blockchain private and anonymous.
Corn is used as raw material for various food products and is one of the commodities traded in B3's futures market. Its contract was created to guarantee a price on a specific future date for
Corporate Governance
The system by which companies are directed and monitored, involving shareholders and quotaholders, the Board of Directors, Executive Board, Independent Audit, and Fiscal Council. Good corpora
The interest rate on a debt security that the issuer promises to pay the holder until maturity. It is expressed as a percentage of the face value of the security. The payment interval is dete
Coupon Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
A structured operation where the investor buys or sells a longer-term foreign exchange coupon contract and makes the opposite operation in a shorter-term foreign exchange coupon contract. The
Craig Wright
Craig Wright is one of the most controversial figures in the crypto world due to his repeated claims of being the identity behind Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. However, his story and t
Crypto-euro (EUROChain)
The crypto-euro, or EUROChain, is a project aimed at transforming the current euro into a central bank digital currency (CBDC), making it a 21st-century currency.
The term cryptocurrency is used to refer to digital currencies such as Bitcoin, which constantly use cryptography for various purposes. One of these is to ensure that all transactions are con
Games that are involved with cryptocurrencies.
Cryptography is the encoding of messages to prevent others from deciphering their content. Generally, it is expected that the recipient of an encrypted message knows how to decrypt it. In the
Current Liquidity
An indicator used in a company's financial analysis that determines how much the company has to receive in the short term for every monetary unit it owes in the same period. The indicator is
Curve (CRV)
Curve (CRV) is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and liquidity pool that allows for fast and easy trading with stablecoins.
Having ownership of assets under your control. Keeping the custody of a portfolio and its assets also means holding the private keys and the responsibility for keeping the funds secure. For e
Custody Agent
Financial institutions that
Daily Adjustment
The difference
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is an attack that uses many computers under an attacker's control to send small amounts of traffic over the internet to congest access and drain resources
The decline in the general level of prices for goods and services, often associated with reduced economic activity. Deflation can increase the real value of money but may lead to lower econom
DEGEN (degenerate)
It refers to someone involved in high-risk, speculative cryptocurrency trading or investing.
Financial contracts whose value is derived from the performance of an underlying asset, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. Common types of derivatives include options, futures, and swaps.
Direct Placement (Colocação Direta)
A capital increase carried out by the subscription of shares by current shareholders directly in a company.
Discrete Log Contracts (DLC)
Discrete Log Contracts, or DLC, are a proposal to implement smart contracts in Bitcoin that allow the creation of simple, secure, and easy-to-use blockchain oracles.
The strategy of spreading investments across various assets or sectors to reduce risk. Diversification aims to minimize the impact of poor performance in any single investment.
Dividend Payout
The dividend distribution rate. It can vary according to each company's stage of development and investment opportunities.
Dividend Yield
An indicator that evaluates the return of dividends paid to shareholders. It is calculated by dividing the dividends paid per share by the market price of those shares. In other words, a comp
Payments made to shareholders, according to different classes of shares, through the distribution of portions of the company's net profits. Dividends are exempt from income tax, and the manda
DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology)
Distributed Ledger Technology refers to the entire category of decentralized networks or distributed consensus systems. The 'DLT networks' category shares the characteristic of not requiring
DNS (Domain Name System)
DNS stands for Domain Name System. This hierarchical and distributed naming system for networks acts as a translator of domain names.
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are a type of cyberattack used by cybercriminals to temporarily disable systems and services, preventing access by legitimate users of the said system.
Dot Chart
A chart used to represent data where each dot represents a certain value or quantity. It's commonly used in data visualization to show distribution and relationships among variables.
Double Spending
The act of spending bitcoin or other altcoins twice. It occurs when a user makes a second transaction with the same cryptocurrency they are negotiating with bitcoins. Thanks to the Bitcoin ne
A fraudulent operation in digital currency where the same coins are used twice to purchase or pay for something. This type of counterfeiting is one of the main problems that Bitcoin solves.
Dow Jones
The Dow Jones is one of the most important indexes in the U.S. market. It tracks the performance of the 30 largest industrial companies in the United States. The components used to calculate
DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake)
DPoS is a consensus protocol designed for highly scalable blockchains. This algorithm was created by Daniel Larimer in 2014.
A financial statement that details and quantifies a company's revenues and expenses. In monetary terms, the DRE shows what the company earns, how much it spends, and the result of its operati
When the price of an asset drops sharply and suddenly.
Dust Transaction
A transaction with a small amount of bitcoins, with low financial value, but that occupies space on the blockchain.
Dusting Attack
One of the most commonly used malicious attacks on the blockchain to break the privacy of cryptocurrency users.
An acronym for 'Do Your Own Research,' advising investors to research on their own before investing.
Earnings Per Share
The profit per share obtained during a specific period, calculated by dividing a company's net income by the total number of shares outstanding.
EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes)
Acronym in English equivalent to LAJIR (Lucro Antes de Juros e Imposto de Renda - Earnings Before Interest and Income Tax). See the definition of LAJIR.
Acronym in English that represents a company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. It has become widely used in recent years to evaluate whether a stock is overva
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest
ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Secure Algorithm)
ECDSA stands for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. This system is used to create a digital signature that allows third-party verification without compromising security.
Economic Growth
The increase in the production of goods and services in an economy over time, measured by GDP. Positive economic growth indicates a healthy economy and can lead to increased investment opport
Economic Indicators
Statistical data used to gauge the overall health and performance of the economy. Common indicators include GDP, unemployment rates, and inflation rates.
EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm)
The EdDSA cryptographic signature scheme is one of the most secure cryptographic digital signature systems available today, with ongoing developments. EdDSA is proving its promise of security
Emissão (Emission)
Refers to the rate at which new coins are created and released into a cryptocurrency network. Also known as Emission Curve, Emission Rate, or Emission Plan.
Emolumento (Fee)
Fee charged by Bovespa for stock trading transactions.
Encerramento de Posição (Closing a Position)
A futures position, whether buying or selling an asset, can be closed early if the investor performs an opposite operation. For example, if the investor holds options to buy an asset, title,
Endereço (Address)
The term given to alphanumeric characters used to send and receive payments on the Bitcoin network. It can be used as a QR code that can be scanned. It's the only information you need to prov
Endereço Vanity (Vanity Address)
As the name suggests, a vanity address is a Bitcoin address with an optional custom pattern (e.g., omergin5Gfeew1221ffGvfföbkkfdlgFKfbm).
Endosso (Endorsement)
Transfer of ownership of a security by means of a written declaration, usually made on its back.
Entrada (Input)
Part of a Bitcoin transaction showing where the Bitcoin payment originates from. Typically, this input will be a Bitcoin address unless the transaction is a generation transaction, meaning th
Enxerto (Graftroot)
Graftroot is an improvement designed to expand the capabilities of Taproot, a proposal aimed at providing Bitcoin with better capabilities for its scripting language, allowing for the creatio
EOS is a blockchain platform designed with a very simple goal: to be a commercially capable blockchain. This means it can trigger decentralized applications (DApps), being highly scalable and
EOSREX was created to build a dynamic and decentralized market where users could sell resources such as CPU, network, or memory within EOS, allowing people to utilize their resources and earn
Equihash is a cryptocurrency mining algorithm that uses the well-known 'Birthday Problem' to provide a sufficiently complex proof of work to secure the network implementing this algorithm. It
Equilíbrio (Equilibrium)
Equilibrium is an interesting decentralized finance (DeFi) project created on the EOS blockchain, aiming to create a high-speed, low-cost, and easily accessible cross-chain DeFi and DEX syste
Stocks or shares that represent ownership in a company. Equities provide investors with a claim on the company's assets and earnings.
A term from English that denotes a company's equity. It can be calculated as the difference between total assets and liabilities of a company.
The ERC-1155 token is a new type of standard token within Ethereum, with the capacity to change the DApps landscape within this blockchain, thanks to its multi-token capacity and a number of
An ERC-20 token is nothing more than a smart contract that has a predefined data structure. This structure was designed to facilitate the implementation of various functionalities on the Ethe
ERC 721 tokens on the Ethereum network base their existence and operation on the concept of digital scarcity to take advantage of the effect created by limited edition products. Unlike ERC-20
Eric Hughes
Eric Hughes is an American mathematician, cryptographer, and computer programmer. His popularity stems from his participation in founding the cypherpunk movement.
Erik Zhang
Erik Zhang is a well-known cryptocurrency developer, recognized for practically building the cryptocurrency NEO and its dBFT consensus protocol on his own.
Escrow (Guarantee)
The act of holding money or assets in a third-party account to protect the value transferred during a transaction. Here, the third-party account is considered a trusted account for both the b
Especulação (Speculation)
Trading in the market with the aim of making a profit, generally in the short term. It is nothing more than buying an asset at one level and selling it at a higher level or selling it at one
Estorno (Chargeback)
"Chargeback is the name given to the process of refunding money paid to the credit card in question due to goods or
Estrutura de Capital (Capital Structure)
Term that denotes the composition of a company's capital and its division between third-party capital and equity.
ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds)
Investment funds that trade on stock exchanges, similar to individual stocks. ETFs hold a collection of assets, such as stocks or bonds, and aim to track the performance of a specific index o
Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source software platform that uses blockchain technology to create a peer-to-peer network. It's best known for its native cryptocurrency, ether (ETH)
A stock whose rights (dividends
Exchange Rate
The value of one currency in relation to another. Exchange rates impact international trade, investment, and economic stability. Fluctuations in exchange rates can affect the value of assets
A faucet is a method used at the start of any altcoin generation. It involves the free distribution of pre-mined cryptocurrencies by their creators to encourage people to adopt the newly rele
Financial Market
A market focused on the transfer of resources between economic agents. In this market, transactions involve medium, long, and indefinite-term securities, usually directed at financing working
Financial Settlement
The payment of the total value of the operation by the intermediary brokerage firm of the buyer and the corresponding receipt by the seller. The financial settlement of operations carried out
Fiscal Policy
The use of government spending and taxation to influence economic conditions. Fiscal policy aims to manage economic growth, control inflation, and reduce unemployment through budgetary decisi
FlashTrader is a platform that allows traders to operate based on tape reading tools, strategy automation, and market data.
The moment anticipated by Ethereum fans when its market value surpasses the market value of Bitcoin.
A term used to describe someone who participates in IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) of a company's shares but sells them immediately on the debut trading day.
An investment strategy where an asset is purchased to resell it at a higher price within a short period of time. It can be understood in both intraday trading and investing in ICOs before the
The lowest price asked to buy a specific NFT item in a collection.
Flow (FLUXO)
Flow (FLOW) is a blockchain project and token focused on offering high operational speed and advanced smart contract features, especially designed for the world of DApps, gaming, and the DeFi
The movement of a specific security or market in terms of appreciation (increase in value) and depreciation (decrease in value).
FOMO (Fear of missing out)
The abbreviation FOMO is widely used in the cryptocurrency market, which means the market poorly covered in scientific literature and often based on 'animal' instincts.
Forward Market
In this market, two parties negotiate and commit to buying or selling a specific asset with a future maturity, which can be 30, 60, 90, or up to 999 days. For example, in a forward transactio
These are small semiconductor devices that can be programmed to perform very specific actions quickly and efficiently.
Fractional Lot
A quantity of shares less than the standard lot size.
Fractional Market
A market where fractional parts of a lot of shares are traded, typically ranging from 1 to 99 shares.
A type of stock whose subscription does not cost money. This occurs
The quantity of 'free' shares. Free-float can be defined as the percentage of share capital that is in the hands of minority shareholders. It refers to the shares in circulation held by the p
FTSE 100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index)
An index comprising the shares of the 100 largest companies in the United Kingdom, weighted based on their market value.
Full Node
These are all nodes that fully verify all the rules of a cryptocurrency. In Bitcoin, the software for full nodes is called Bitcoin Core.
A stock whose rights (dividends
Full Wallet
These are the base wallets of cryptocurrency projects, implementing not only a full node but also all of its functionalities.
Responsible for the entire management of the fund and the information provided to investors and the CVM
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis studies the financial, economic, and market aspects of a company. It helps detect the financial and operational health of organizations to assist traders in making the be
The basic financial and economic factors that influence an asset's value, such as earnings, revenue, and economic conditions. Fundamental analysis involves evaluating these factors to determi
A custody service where the securities withdrawn may not be the same as those deposited, although they are of the same type, quantity, and quality. There is no need to withdraw exactly the sa
Futures Contract
A commitment to buy and sell financial assets, such as stocks, currencies, or commodities, where the price is agreed upon in advance by both parties for payment at a future date. The goal of
Futures Dollar (DÓLAR FUTURO)
The expected quote for the dollar against the Brazilian real in the foreign exchange futures market.
Futures Market
A market where standardized commodity or financial asset lots are traded for settlement on pre-determined dates.
The Greek letter gamma measures the change in Delta concerning a $1 change in the underlying asset.
Occurs when a market opens with a quote above the previous day's high or below the previous day's low.
The term 'Gas' in cryptocurrencies refers to a pricing mechanism used on the Ethereum network. This mechanism calculates the costs (fees) for executing a transaction or running a smart contra
Gas Free
Free of gas fees.
Gas Limit
The total amount of computational energy a transaction can consume. In other words, the total 'gas.'
Gas Price
Gas Price is the amount to be paid to perform a transaction on the Ethereum network. For example, one of the costs of creating an NFT is the gas price.
Gavin Andresen
One of the key developers of Bitcoin from the early days and who took over the project when Satoshi Nakamoto stepped down. He was the main person responsible for transforming the Bitcoin code
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
An acronym in English equivalent to PIB (Gross Domestic Product). The U.S. Department of Commerce publishes a monthly report on GDP, responsible for measuring the volume of goods and services
General Liquidity
A financial analysis indicator used to measure a company's liquidity. Unlike the current liquidity indicator, which indicates how much a company has to receive in relation to what it owes in
Genesis Block
The first block of Bitcoin, mined by Satoshi Nakamoto.
The number of possible delivery attempts per second of billions of measured providers (thousands of Megahashes).
The world's largest free and open-source repository. It is where the Bitcoin code and all contributions made are located. Here, developers and researchers publish their software or code so th
The term given to a company's intangible assets, such as brands and patents, research and development of goods and services, fiscal goodwill paid in acquisitions, managerial ability, capital
Gossip Protocol
The Gossip protocol is a protocol that allows the design of highly efficient, secure, and low-latency distributed communication systems.
Information, usually provided by a company's director, indicative of its future profits. It can be positive or negative, but it is of special interest to specialists as it is a reliable indic
The strategy of making trades to minimize potential losses in the future.
A highly valued and speculative stock that experiences sharp price increases over a short period.
Historical Low (FH)
The lowest price ever reached by a specific asset.
A financial institution of the United Nations (UN), created in 1944 by the Bretton Woods Agreement, with the aim of promoting international monetary cooperation and stimulating the economic g
Income Tax (IR)
As you may know, there are various taxes and levies. Income Tax relates to the revenue generated by individuals or legal entities. Digital assets with an acquisition value above R$ 30,000 mus
An individual or entity engaged in the distribution and brokerage of securities
Indirect Placement (Colocação Indireta)
A capital increase carried out through a subscription, where all the shares are acquired by a financial institution or a group assembled in a consortium, for subsequent placement in the secon
The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, eroding purchasing power. Moderate inflation is typical, but high inflation can reduce the value of money and a
A public offering of a portion of a company's share capital
A person who uses privileged information (which has not yet become public knowledge) to gain greater profits in the financial market.
The remuneration obtained by lending money for a certain period. The interest rate, charged on the loan amount, is determined by the asset's indexer and supply and demand.
Interest Rate
The cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage of the loan amount. Interest rates influence the cost of credit and can impact investment decisions and economic activity.
A term referring to operations carried out within the same trading session.
Inventory Turnover
An indicator that expresses how quickly a company can turn over its inventory within a year. This indicator is the result of dividing the cost of goods sold by the average inventory value of
A group of individuals (maximum of 150) who pool resources into a diversified portfolio of stocks, managed by an authorized financial institution. The club is registered with a stock exchange
IOF (Tax on Financial Operations)
A tax that applies to gains from fixed income investments. It has daily liquidity, according to a regressive table, up to the 29th day of the investment, becoming exempt after the 30th day.
IOTA (IOTA) is a network and cryptocurrency project based on DAG technology that aims to be the bridge that connects all IoT devices worldwide in a high-speed, scalable, and secure network.
IPC (Consumer Price Index)
An index that measures consumer price changes in the city of São Paulo for families with incomes ranging from 1 to 20 minimum wages. It is calculated by FIPE (Economic Research Institute Foun
The IPCA is the National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) and is used to measure the country's inflation. This value is calculated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and
IPCA (Extended Consumer Price Index)
Calculated by the IBGE, it aims to reflect the cost of living for families earning between one and forty minimum wages in the eleven main capitals of the country. It is considered the country
IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)
IPFS, or InterPlanetary File System, is a decentralized file system designed to ensure the security, privacy, and censorship resistance of your data.
IPO (Initial Public Offering)
An English term meaning Initial Public Offering. It is the primary launch of shares on the market. The IPO process in Brazil works as follows: The company structures its capital as shares; Id
IRRF, or Income Tax Withheld at Source, is the tax deducted directly by the paying source.
ISE (Corporate Sustainability Index)
An index that aims to reflect the return of a portfolio composed of shares of companies with recognized commitment to social responsibility and corporate sustainability, and also acts as a pr
In the options market, this refers to the entity that sells an option, taking on the obligation to sell or buy the underlying asset if the option holder exercises it.
Jameson Lopp
Jameson Lopp is one of the Bitcoin developers with significant programming skills and is highly active in the community, interacting daily through social media.
JCP (Interest on Equity)
A non-mandatory form of distributing a company's profit. The difference compared to dividends, which are fully distributed to shareholders in their net value, is that JCP is taxed at 15% by t
Jeff Garzik
He is one of the early Bitcoin developers and has been involved in many projects to improve its capabilities, especially developments aimed at enhancing its scalability and usability.
Jobless Claims
A statistic released weekly by the U.S. Department of Labor showing the number of people who have filed for unemployment benefits. It is an important data point for tracking economic activity
John Gilmore
John Gilmore is one of the most recognized programmers in the world for his diverse work in favor of creating computer networks and their security. A well-known activist for digital freedoms,
John Perry Barlow
John Perry Barlow was one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This poet, essayist, rancher, and lyricist was a cyber-activist and techno-libertarian with significant visibi
Joint Venture
An English term meaning the union of companies. It denotes a form of alliance aimed at creating a new business to operate in combined markets for product commercialization or in the complemen
Jude Milhon
A civil rights activist, feminist, and hacker, Jude Milhon is another woman who left an indelible mark on the history of computing worldwide. Jude was a myth in her lifetime, to the point of
Key Rates
The two most important interest rates in the U.S. market are the Discount Rate (the rate the Federal Reserve charges banks) and the Fed Funds Rate (the basic interest rate, equivalent to Braz
Kilohashes/sec – kH/s
The number of possible hash-solving attempts per second, measured in thousands of hashes.
Kusama (KSM)
Kusama (KSM) is the canary or test network for Polkadot, focusing on offering the latest technology that the Polkadot development team can provide through Substrate.
Know Your Customer. These are policies that government institutions impose on companies to know who they are doing business with, meaning they must have data and documents on their clients.
LAJIR (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes)
Reflects the result of the company's operational activities. Unlike the definition of operating profit in Brazil, the calculation of LAJIR allows estimating the result of operations without i
A tag used in the cryptocurrency environment to express optimism about the timing of a particular crypto or other digital asset.
Law of Supply and Demand
The correlation between the supply and demand for a particular good or service. Prices tend to rise when demand increases and tend to fall when supply increases.
LC (Exchange Bills)
These are fixed-income securities similar to CDBs but issued by financial companies instead of banks. They can be fixed-rate, pre-fixed, or hybrid, offering higher returns than savings accoun
LCA (Agribusiness Credit Note)
LCA, or Agribusiness Credit Note, is a fixed-income security where the money invested by the investor is lent to financial institutions to be used exclusively in the agribusiness sector.
LCI (Real Estate Credit Note)
LCI, or Real Estate Credit Note, is also a low-risk fixed-income security. However, unlike the LCA, the money invested in this security is lent to financial institutions for use only in the r
A shared record of information, similar to a bank's ledger, where all financial transactions are recorded. A ledger is a place where cryptocurrency transactions that pass through the Blockcha
The use of borrowed funds to increase the potential return on an investment. Leverage magnifies both gains and losses, and its use requires careful management to avoid excessive risk.
A type of stock issued by a company that uses third-party capital. Owners of this type of stock are subject to the benefits and costs resulting from the company’s leverage.
The London Interbank Offered Rate. It used to be more important before the euro existed.
Libra (Facebook)
Facebook's Libra digital currency is the company's new project for the 'Like' button. Although based on blockchain technology and trying to leverage emerging markets and cryptocurrency techno
Lightning Network
A decentralized micropayment system that creates a channel for transactions aimed at speeding up transactions and reducing fees. It is in development and can be implemented on the blockchain
Lightweight Wallets
These are wallets for Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies installed on your device, occupying less space on your hard drive and allowing for faster synchronization, as they do not require downl
Linear Chart
A chart representing the historical price trend of a specific asset. It is a line connecting the closing prices of a given timeframe. For example, in a daily chart, the closing prices of each
The ability to easily buy or sell an asset, even in large quantities.
Liquidity Mining
Liquidity mining is a feature and strategy aimed at incentivizing the injection of liquidity into a protocol in exchange for distributing a series of tokens among users. These tokens grant ac
Liquidity Network
The Liquidity Network is an off-chain payment network built on Ethereum to enable an instant transaction system.
A stock traded on a stock exchange.
Litecoin (LTC)
A cryptocurrency derived from the implementation of Bitcoin's code with several modifications, including block issuance frequency and the number of coin units to be distributed. It was launch
A quantity of identical securities.
LTN (National Treasury Bill)
A public credit security issued by the National Treasury with a fixed interest rate. Its main objective is to raise the necessary funds to cover budget deficits or to carry out credit operati
Luke Dashjr
Luke Dashjr is one of the world's most prolific free software and Bitcoin developers. A strong activist for freedom, he has devoted all his efforts to making Bitcoin and GNU/Linux an even bet
The main Bitcoin network, where transactions of this cryptocurrency are recorded and occur. Bitcoins on the main network have real value.
Majority Shareholder
A person who owns the majority of voting shares in a company
You become a Maker when you place an order that is not immediately traded. Therefore, your order remains on the order book and waits for someone else to place a matching order for it to be ex
MakerDAO is a project that combines a DAO with a cryptographic stablecoin called DAI to create a complete DeFi ecosystem that allows for loans, savings, and more on the Ethereum blockchain.
The ability to modify unconfirmed transactions without invalidating them.
Mão De Alface
A term used to describe someone who cannot hold onto their investment and panics at any downward movement, selling their investment prematurely.
The amount, set by stock exchanges or clearinghouses, to be deposited in cash, securities, or financial instruments by the client who makes a term or future purchase or sale, or a naked optio
Margin of Guarantee
The margin of guarantee is a security deposit made by the parties involved in the account of the brokerage firm to cover potential losses during a particular operation. Therefore, to operate
Margin Trading
Margin trading, or leveraged trading, is a form of trading in which the positions taken are leveraged by the brokerage or platforms used to participate in the markets. This is done to multipl
Mark Karpelès
Mark Karpelès is one of the most important figures in the cryptocurrency exchange world, known primarily for being the owner of the Mt.Gox exchange and being accused of losing more than 850,0
Market Capitalization
The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock, calculated by multiplying the share price by the total number of shares.
Market Maker
An English term indicating the institution hired by a publicly traded company to maintain a firm offer to buy and sell its shares (on the stock exchange, over-the-counter market, or electroni
Short for market capitalization, the term is used to define the amount of circulating cryptocurrency multiplied by the price/quotation of the cryptocurrency in question.
Marking to Market
Marking to market is the updating of a price to the most recent value.
Martin Hellman
Martin Hellman is one of the most important researchers in the field of cryptography, being a pioneer in asymmetric cryptography research. His work laid the foundation for what would become t
Martti Malmi
Martti Malmi is a well-known developer who supported Bitcoin's development in its early days, to the point of being responsible for making this protocol multi-platform, enabling its expansion
A MASF is a mechanism by which blockchain miners can introduce new updates without affecting its operation.
MAST, or Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees, is an important development with which various tools are being created to take Bitcoin to a new level and provide greater potential for creating adv
Master Private Key
The Master Private Key is a 256-bit key generated from a seed phrase that allows for the creation of an infinite number of keys in a deterministic or HD wallet.
Master Public Key
It allows you to create as many public addresses as you want from a Bitcoin wallet based on a Master Private Key, which implements a commitment that prevents an attacker from spending what is
An English expression used to designate the company responsible for ensuring that the servicing work is carried out correctly but does not necessarily have to be a Servicer. Generally, securi
A type of node responsible for processing blockchain transactions and receives a reward when a block is mined. They are characterized by the requirement to have a significant amount of crypto
Maximum Price
The highest price reached by a stock in a trading day.
MAXIMUM PRICE (Cotação Máxima)
The highest price reached by a security during a trading day.
The electronic trading system of Bovespa, which includes remote terminals and aims to expand the capacity for registering offers and executing trades in a technologically advanced environment
Megahashes/sec – MH/s
The number of possible attempts to solve a hash in a given second, measured in millions of hashes.
Cryptocurrencies that started as jokes and went viral on the internet.
Short for Memory Pool, it refers to the set of unconfirmed transactions in a blockchain. Whenever a transaction is made, it is sent directly to the mempool, and miners aggregate groups of tra
Merged Mining
Merged mining is a protocol that allows two different blockchains sharing the same consensus protocol and hash function to be mined together without losing performance and maintaining a high
The process of creating a new company by merging two or more distinct companies.
MetaMask is a wallet project that allows us to manage funds to interact more easily with the different DApps running on the Ethereum network, all through a simple web browser extension.
MetaTrader is a platform focused on technical analysis that helps traders trade online and automate their operations with trading robots. It also allows traders to trade simultaneously in the
A type of virtual world that attempts to replicate reality through digital devices. In this environment, the economy is governed by cryptocurrencies.
MicroBit – uBTC
A millionth of 1 bitcoin or 0.000001 BTC.
Paying a small amount for an asset or service to be online. Microtransactions are difficult to carry out in traditional payment systems due to the high commission involved. For example, payin
MiliBit – mBTC
A thousandth of 1 bitcoin or 0.001 BTC.
A protocol that seeks to offer revolutionary privacy, security, and scalability to the world of cryptocurrencies.
A miner is a programmer who performs mining, solving mathematical problems in the network to validate new cryptocurrencies.
Mini Contracts
Unlike full contracts, which require a minimum lot of 5 contracts for trading and a high investment amount, mini contracts were created to give beginners an opportunity, as they allow them to
Mini Dólar
In the mini-dollar contract, operations are conducted by purchasing future dollar contracts, allowing the negotiation of future currency expectations. The contract's quote is measured in poin
These are futures contracts with bimonthly expiration dates based on Ibovespa (Ibov) fluctuations. The price of this contract is measured by points, each worth R$ 0.20.
The investor operates in arrobas (a unit of weight). Investing in a mini-contract of fat cattle can be used for hedging or for speculating based on future price trends of cattle. The value of
The investor operates in spot commercial dollars. Generally, its correlation is inversely related to the behavior of the stock index, as foreign operations in the country affect the dollar's
The investor operates with the Bovespa index's forming portfolio. As expectations of appreciation or depreciation of the index's forming portfolio materialize—meaning the market follows an up
The lowest price a stock reaches during a trading day.
Mínimo histórico (mercados)
The lowest price that a cryptocurrency or any other asset has reached in its entire history. The acronym ATL (All-Time Low) is commonly used in English.
MINIMUM PRICE (Cotação Mínima)
The lowest price of a security observed during a trading day.
Minority Shareholder
A shareholder who holds a number of shares insufficient to exert control over the company.
Minting refers to the creation of new coins, thereby increasing supply or creating new NFTs.
Minting/Mintar (mintagem)
"Mintar" is the Portuguese adaptation of the term "minting
MIT License
A free license that allows anyone to obtain a copy of this software and its associated documentation files. It allows the software to be handled without restrictions, including the rights to
A service used to mix the inputs and outputs of transactions to maintain privacy and reduce the level of traceability.
Moeda Off-Ledger
A currency issued outside the ledger and used within the ledger. An example could be a national fiat currency used in a distributed ledger.
Moeda On-Ledger
A currency issued within the ledger and used within it. Any cryptocurrency fulfills this, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.
Monero (XMR)
Monero (or XMR, its market identifier) is an open-source cryptocurrency created in April 2014. This cryptocurrency is known for its high level of privacy and decentralization.
Monetary Policy
The process by which a central bank manages the supply of money and interest rates to influence economic activity. Monetary policy tools include open market operations, interest rate adjustme
One of the most well-known credit rating agencies for securities. Moody's also rates tradable instruments, preferred and common shares, and short-term municipal issues.
The expression 'to the moon' is used when a financial chart, based on the currency's value, is expected to rise so much that it will 'reach the moon.' It is used to say that a project will be
Move To Earn
A concept where users can earn rewards for physical activity or movement, often associated with certain blockchain projects.
Mt Gox
Mt.Gox was the largest and most important cryptocurrency exchange globally, handling over 70% of the Bitcoin market at its peak. It collapsed following a hack that led to the loss of over 800
Multa por saldo devedor
A penalty charged if the trader ends the trading session with a negative account balance.
Multi-Signature Address (Direção / Endereço Multi-Assinaturas)
Multi-signature addresses are Bitcoin addresses that, unlike standard Bitcoin addresses, can be managed by multiple people simultaneously.
Multisignal (multi-assinaturas)
These are wallets that require more than one key to authorize transactions. This feature is used to distribute the responsibility for cryptocurrency ownership and prevent theft, manipulation,
An acronym in English for the North American Free Trade Agreement. It comprises trade rules and agreements between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Established in 1994, its primary goal
Namecoin is a project aimed at creating a decentralized and secure identity and DNS system using blockchain technology.
Nano (NANO) is a cryptocurrency project that uses DAG technology instead of blockchain to offer a platform focused on fast payments without any fees.
A global electronic market for high-tech stocks like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon, and Intel. It gains more importance every year.
An electronic stock exchange with a computerized system for trading and quoting shares of over five thousand companies, headquartered in New York. It has been active since 1970 and focuses on
The process of buying and selling assets.
The process of buying and selling shares through orders on a computer, using terminals installed at brokerage firms.
NEO is a cryptocurrency created to build a 'smart economy' using a scalable and secure consensus protocol with the capability to execute smart contracts.
Net Margin
An indicator used in financial analysis that shows the relationship between a company's net income and its net sales revenue.
Net Present Value (NPV)
A term used in finance to analyze investments in projects. The NPV is used to determine how much a project would be worth today. It is calculated by discounting the project's cash flow by a r
NFA (not a financial advice)
used when talking about projects in the crypto and NFT space to discuss them in positive light without urging people to invest.
Acronym for 'Not Fungible Tokens,' representing the registration of something real, like artwork, within a blockchain network. Tokens are codes that ensure this 'object' is unique and authent
NFT age
A new trend found in some games where an NFT generates progressively less profit.
Nick Szabo
Nick Szabo is known as the father of smart contracts and digital currency projects like Bit Gold, a precursor project to what would become Bitcoin nearly 10 years later.
An index that reflects the daily average variation of a stock portfolio traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The most basic level, where companies commit to improving information disclosure to the market and dispersing shares. Practices at this level of Corporate Governance include maintaining a min
An intermediate level in this classification, where companies commit to accepting the obligations of Level 1 and a broader set of governance practices and additional rights for minority share
Nó de Semente (Seed Node)
A seed node is a special node that allows the incorporation of new nodes into the network and maintains the network's strength at all times, allowing them to synchronize and obtain a copy of
A type of stock that does not have a set issuance value
Nó podado (Pruned Node)
A type of full node that allows taking advantage of its high security while reducing blockchain storage requirements to run them on almost any device.
A custody service where the deposited securities are kept separately and identified by the depositor.
Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Also known as NFT, these are digital assets that represent ownership of something characterized by its rarity and uniqueness. They typically verify ownership of a digital artwork.
'Number that only used once,' a vital component alongside the hash in verifying Bitcoin blockchain data.
Nonce Blinding Protocol (NBP)
The nonce blinding protocol is designed to enhance the security of our hardware wallets or multi-device wallets by adding a cryptographic mechanism that minimizes the impact of vulnerabilitie
The network of a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin operates thanks to its nodes: the computers connected to it that mine blocks and validate transactions.
Nota de corretagem
A report from the brokerage firm indicating the purchase or sale of assets and their respective details.
Any new financial product or service launched by a company.
The highest level of Corporate Governance. For a company to enter the Novo Mercado, it must adhere to a set of corporate governance rules known as best practices, which are much stricter than
NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
An acronym for 'Not Safe For Work,' used to describe content that may be inappropriate or offensive, especially for a work setting.
A post-fixed public debt financing security issued by the National Treasury with various series, each with its own index (IGP-M, dollar, TR, etc.).
A price range for a stock, such as the price of stocks that vary between 1 and 10 reais.
An acronym for 'National Unit of Agribusiness Products,' which helps to identify products and their origin in the agricultural and livestock sectors in Brazil.
The New York futures and options commodities exchange. It has two main divisions: Nymex, for energy, oil, platinum, and palladium assets, and Comex, for gold and other metals.
The New York Stock Exchange, where the stocks of major companies from the United States and worldwide are traded. The index showing these trades' evolution is the Dow Jones Industrial Average
OPENING PRICE (Cotação de Abertura)
The price of a security in the first transaction conducted on a trading day.
Operating Margin
An indicator used in financial analysis that, in Brazil, reflects the percentage of each R$ 1.00 of sales left after deducting all expenses, except for income tax and non-operational or extra
Option Combination (Combinação de Opções)
The purchase or sale of two or more option series on the same underlying asset but with different strike prices and/or expiration dates.
Option Issuance
A financial operation that gives rise to options. In option issuance, sellers issue individual options (which can be calls or puts) or option series (several options with different strike pri
Options Market
A market where rights to buy or sell a lot of securities are traded, with pre-established contract prices and exercise periods. The holder of a call option pays a premium for these rights, wh
An order that must be executed at a price equal to or better than the price specified by the client.
A term used in the financial market referring to an order type where the investor sets the minimum price at which a buy or sell order should be executed. A buy on-stop order is triggered when
Order Book
The order book is a tool that lists all the buy and sell orders for various assets being traded on the stock exchange, from the highest to the lowest value. It allows you to see the price dif
Order Maker
The process of creating an order at the brokerage. This happens when someone wants to buy cryptocurrencies, but the desired quantity is not available at that moment.
Order Taker
A term used to indicate that a cryptocurrency buy or sell order will be executed immediately.
Organized Market
A market where all transactions occur on an official stock exchange.
Organized Over-the-Counter Market
An organized system for trading variable-income securities, managed by an entity authorized by the CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission).
Orphan Block
Blocks that were correctly solved but, for various reasons, are not accepted by the rest of the network nodes by consensus and do not become part of the blockchain.
ORTN (Obrigações Reajustáveis do Tesouro Nacional)
A Brazilian government bond with interest and monetary correction, widely used during the inflationary period. It was also used as a currency unit; for example, a car could be advertised for
The variation (positive or negative) observed in the price of a particular asset over a specific period of time.
OTC (Over-The-Counter)
Refers to operations or transactions that do not operate or are not listed on a formal exchange. It is a legal form of negotiation used by many companies to participate in the cryptocurrency
Otimização de carteira
The process by which a trader adjusts an investment portfolio to reduce risks and improve the profitability of their assets.
An OTO (One-Triggers-Other) order is a type of linked order where a limit entry order, once executed, triggers a simultaneous predetermined stop order (both loss and gain).
Similar to a traditional OTO order, the difference is that the position is opened by a stop order trigger, rather than by a limit order.
Over-the-Counter Market
In the over-the-counter market, transactions do not have a physical location and are conducted by phone or other electronic means between financial institutions.
A positive term used by analysts to indicate when a stock is expected to perform better than the benchmark index.
See the definition of the Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio.
P2P ou peer to peer
P2P stands for peer-to-peer, which, in Portuguese, means 'point-to-point.' Bitcoin was designed as a peer-to-peer system, meaning it does not require intermediaries, such as central banks, to
The P2PK block script is the initial script model Bitcoin used to send and receive cryptocurrencies in its early days. A simple and elegant script model that allowed the exploration of Bitcoi
The technical name for standard Bitcoin addresses, owned by a single user. All P2PKH addresses start with the number 1.
The technical name for Bitcoin multi-signature addresses, which belong to two or more users, preventing one individual from spending the coins freely. All P2SH addresses start with the number
The pre-setting of all contract characteristics for futures and options by the market managing entity, except for the futures price and the options premium, which are determined by market mec
Paper Wallet
A paper wallet consists of a piece of paper on which the public and private keys of a cryptocurrency address are physically printed. These keys are typically displayed as QR codes, along with
A stock whose value is set by the issuing company's bylaws. The par value of public company shares cannot be less than the minimum set by the CVM and must be the same for all shares in the co
A small state that charges very low taxes (less than 20%) or no taxes at all. Examples include Switzerland, the Bahamas, Luxembourg, and Panama.
A portion of a company's profits distributed to shareholders in addition to dividends, which may also include bonuses or other compensations for board members.
A strategy for managing a fund or investment portfolio
The total debts and obligations of a company.
The funds raised by an investment fund are applied according to the investment policy and the basic composition of its portfolio, as defined in its regulations. The daily value of this asset
A component of a company's balance sheet, representing the difference between its assets (properties and rights) and its liabilities (debts and obligations).
The estimated time required to recover the initial investment. It is a fundamental concept, as it represents the risk period involved in a project. For example, a payback of 30 days means tha
Payment Channels
Payment Channels are a technology designed to allow instant and custodial-free payments between two or more people using cryptocurrency. This technology offers an improved payment experience
A report released every first Friday of the month by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that details the number of employed individuals in the United States. Its data influences U.S. interest rat
When an order is said to be 'on the stone,' it means the order has been sent to and is waiting to be executed on the stock exchange. This expression originated during live trading sessions wh
Perfil de investidor
An investor's profile can be conservative, moderate, or aggressive (also called bold). This is determined based on their risk tolerance. To determine an investor's profile, certain personal c
A term used to determine how much risk an investor is willing to take when investing money. Generally, there are three risk profiles used to classify an investor: conservative, moderate, and
Permissioned Blockchain
A private blockchain where its nodes must be pre-authorized by a central entity. Transactions are incorporated into the ledger by executing a limited consensus test among trusted participants
Petro (CBDC Venezuela)
Petro is a central bank digital currency (CBDC) created by Venezuela using blockchain technology. The primary goal of its creation was to offer an economic reboot for the South American natio
Phil Zimmerman
Phil Zimmermann is an American cryptographer responsible for creating the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) software, which uses symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
Phishing is a technique used to execute scams or frauds. It involves impersonating a company to request clients' private information. In the cryptocurrency market, phishing typically occurs v
Physical Settlement
The delivery of securities to the Brazilian Settlement and Custody Company (CBLC) by the broker representing the 'seller.' It occurs on the second business day after the trade is executed on
The total value of goods and services produced within a country's economic territory over a specific period of time. The GDP growth rate, which indicates the economy's growth over a period, i
Pizza Day (Bitcoin)
Celebrated on May 22, 2010, when Laszlo Hanyecz traded 10,000 Bitcoins for two pizzas from the American chain Papa John's. It is considered the first Bitcoin transaction for a material good.
Plataforma de desenvolvimento (Development Plataforms)
Special environments focused on the development and creation of applications supported within a blockchain. These are cloud-based development systems that enable rapid development.
A concept created by NFT games where players earn rewards for playing blockchain-based games.
An abbreviation for 'Preferred Nominative Share.' See the definition of preferred shares.
Polígono (MATIC)
Polygon (MATIC) is a scalability project that enables decentralized applications to run on a network with lower fees, faster speeds, and interoperability with the Ethereum network.
Federal policies that guide the behavior of the foreign exchange market and the exchange rate.
A company's decision on the proportion of net earnings in a given period to be distributed to shareholders as dividends.
A term referring to a set of measures taken to control the supply of money and credit, and consequently, the country's base interest rate. The Central Bank is responsible for implementing the
Pools, also known as mining pools, are groups of miners who combine their computational power to solve the complex mathematical problem of mining faster and earn rewards.
Poll de liquidez
Liquidity pools are essential tools for the proper functioning of the DeFi ecosystem. In summary, they allow users to lock tokens, creating a kind of fund reserve in exchange for rewards.
Poll Em Cripto
A mining pool is a space that allows miners to work cooperatively to extract blocks of cryptocurrencies. They were created to facilitate mining work and more effectively handle the increasing
Pool de mineração
A collection of miners who pool their resources to collectively mine a block and then share the reward among them. Mining pools are an effective way to increase the probability of success as
Investment portfolios, or portfolios, refer to the set of financial tools an investor holds to grow their financial assets. Learn more about these tools and why cryptocurrencies are an excell
A collection of investments held by an individual or institution. Portfolios are designed to achieve specific financial goals and may include various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and
The balance of positions held by an investor in futures and options markets.
Position Lock
An operation where the trader repurchases their sold options in a covered call strategy and prevents the exercise of their position by buying in the market.
The portion of income not used for consumption. This investment modality is the most traditional in the market and is considered one of the most conservative.
Proof of Work (PoW) is evidence that a transaction has been validated and is legitimate. Through a mathematical function (SHA-256), transactions are encrypted and sent to the network, where m
PoW ou Proof of Work
Proof of Work (PoW) is evidence that a transaction has been validated and is legitimate. Through a mathematical function (SHA-256), transactions are encrypted and sent to the network, where m
The period set by a corporation for shareholders to exercise their preemptive rights in subscribing to newly issued shares.
For trading mini-contracts, BM&F requires its participating brokers to ask clients purchasing a mini-contract to deposit a margin that covers a certain level of price variation without needin
The removal of a portion of the cryptocurrency by its founder before it is released and the details are disclosed to others who wish to mine the currency. Pre-mining is a common technique oft
Pre-opening Auction
It takes place 15 minutes before the opening of the trading session to determine the opening price. During this time, buy and sell offers are registered, but even if they match, they are only
Preço Ask
The minimum price someone would be willing to sell their asset for or the minimum amount they wish to receive in exchange for the unit they are selling.
Preço de ajuste
The average daily price of traded assets within a specified period in the futures market. At the end of each trading session, the exchange announces the adjustment price of futures contracts,
Preço de exercício (Strike)
The predetermined price for buying or selling an asset if the option is exercised.
The price per share at which an option holder is entitled to buy or sell the entirety of the option's underlying shares.
The price of a transaction in the spot market (spot price). Also known as the 'spot price.'
A stock that gives its holder priority in receiving dividends or capital reimbursement in the event of the company's dissolution. It does not grant voting rights in meetings and is one of the
The term used to refer to the trading sessions on the B3, where assets are bought and sold.
An electronic trading system through terminals, enabling operators and accredited brokers to conduct transactions in the spot, forward, and options markets for specific securities during defi
The price per share-object traded in a call or put option.
The positive difference between the amount paid and the nominal value of the security. For example
Present Value (PV)
The current value of a future cash flow discounted by an interest rate compatible with the investment risk (brought to present value).
Primary Market
In this market, placement agents such as banks or brokerages issue new securities or shares to attract new investors, increase their resources, and finance expansion projects, pay off debts,
PRINCIPAL (Comitente)
A person who engages another to buy, sell, or perform any act under their instructions and on their behalf, in exchange for a specific remuneration known as a commission.
Private Key
The password used to access your cryptocurrencies.
A Dash feature that allows for private transactions, making them completely anonymous.
The profit earned from a transaction involving the sale of a digital asset, which is the difference between the purchase price and the sale price.
The total net gain provided by a security. In the stock market, the net profit provided by a share results from its appreciation in trading over a certain period and the receipt of dividends,
Profitchart is a platform that provides traders with graphical analysis, order flow reading, and a charting system suitable for all profiles, including intraday, renko, and point-based charts
Proof of Authority (PoA)
An advanced consensus protocol that uses identity and reputation to select transaction validators within its blockchain, aiming for high scalability.
Proof of Burn (PoB)
Proof of Burn (PoB) is a specific consensus protocol in which miners gain the power to mine a block by 'burning' a portion of the tokens they possess.
Proof of Capacity (PoC)
A mining process that uses the space on a computer's hard drive. The miner with the most space has a higher chance of creating the next block.
Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET)
A consensus algorithm that uses very specific Intel processor instructions (Intel SGX) to create a powerful and highly scalable cryptographic proof, enabling high-performance blockchains for
Proof of Stake (PoS)
In this mining process, participants need to lock a certain amount of coins in the network as a stake. The more coins they stake, the higher the chance of being selected to validate the next
Proof of Work (PoW)
Proof of Work (PoW) is a type of mining process where the miner who validates the next block is the one with the best machines, with more resources.
Propostas de melhorias Ethereum (EIP)
Ethereum Improvements Proposals (EIP) is a document framework that standardizes the development of improvements within Ethereum, allowing anyone to submit their proposals to enhance the block
Protocolo 0x
The 0x protocol, developed under the 0x Project, is one of the most significant advancements in creating fully decentralized exchange applications on the Ethereum blockchain, with enhanced se
Protocolo aberto (Open protocol)
When cryptocurrency protocols are openly published, allowing for code review, suggestions for changes, and improvements.
Protocolo de Liquidez
Liquidity provision (staking in liquidity pools): When a crypto asset holder locks it in a protocol to provide liquidity. The investor providing liquidity receives a percentage of the transac
See the definition of 'benefits.'
Payment Service Provider. PSP offers payment processing services for merchants who want to accept online payments.
The average exchange rate of the dollar, based on daily interbank market operations and published by the Central Bank.
Public Blockchain
Unlike a permissioned blockchain, a public blockchain like Bitcoin is entirely free and public; anyone can join, and no one controls it. They are censorship-resistant because they prevent any
Public Debt Security
These are instruments issued by the National Treasury and sold on the market to raise funds and finance federal, state, and municipal public debt. In return, they pay a remuneration rate.
Public Key
In the crypto world, if the private key is like a password, the public key would be the equivalent of a bank account number.
A corrective movement against the market trend. A pullback can occur in a downtrend (sell) or an uptrend (buy).
A sudden and significant rise in price.
Pump and Dump
As the literal translation suggests, the term means 'inflate and discard.' In the context of cryptocurrencies, it is used to describe fraudulent situations where the fraudster artificially in
See the meaning of 'put option.'
Put (opção de venda)
A put option gives the holder the right to sell a specific stock at a predetermined price until (or on) the option's expiration date.
Put spread (Trava de baixa)
A strategy where the trader expects a decline in the underlying asset's price to profit. In this operation, the trader sells an option with a lower strike price and buys the same quantity at
QR Code
A two-dimensional barcode that can be converted into text, URL, phone number, geolocation, etc. It is widely used to encode and facilitate the reading of private keys and Bitcoin addresses, a
A location in the stock exchange trading floor where various prices and quantities of traded shares are displayed.
Quant Fund
A fund that selects its investments through quantitative analysis. Managers use customized software models to determine investments.
A term that defines the quantity, usually in standard lots (unit or thousand), of shares traded during the day.
Queima de tokens
The elimination of a certain number of tokens by a specific project's development team. All burned tokens immediately cease to function and hold no value.
Quick Ratio
Like the current liquidity indicator, the quick ratio reflects a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. The only difference in the calculation formula is that inventories are e
Quota (Cota)
A fraction of a fund. The entire assets of an investment fund are, in fact, the sum of quotas that were purchased by different investors. The buyer is called a quotaholder in the market. It h
A fraction of the net assets of an investment fund or club. It represents the value of the net assets divided by the number of quotas issued.
Quotation (Cotação)
Quotation is the term that refers to the price of assets traded on the exchange within a specific period. This value is determined by the price of the last transaction of a given asset.
A movement in which an asset's price increases. In Brazil, traders often create verbs based on the words 'rally' and 'rali.' For example, 'o mercado raliou' means 'the market rallied' after t
Ralph Merkle
Ralph Merkle is one of the most recognized computer scientists and cryptographers in the world, known for creating public-key cryptography and Merkle trees.
RandomX is the name of the new mining algorithm for Monero, a privacy coin designed to keep the network protected against ASIC mining, allowing only CPU mining while providing immense securit
A proportional division, often used in public offerings.
Credit ratings assigned by rating agencies such as Moody's and S&P to evaluate the ability of an issuer (banks, countries, or companies) to repay their debts.
Through meticulous analyses
A term used in the stock market to indicate when traders, expecting a drop in stock prices, rush to sell their shares to realize profits.
In accounting terms, the sum of all values received during a specified period (day, month, year). For a commercial company, revenue consists of cash sales, amounts received from credit sales,
A period of economic decline characterized by reduced economic activity, lower consumer spending, and increased unemployment. Recessions can impact investment performance and financial market
A document proving the exercise of subscription rights. This type of receipt can be traded on stock exchanges.
Recompensa de bloco
The reward received in cryptocurrencies after successfully solving a block, obtained as compensation for the work done in validating the blocks.
The reacquisition of shares by the issuing company itself.
The phase following a recession, marked by improving economic conditions, increased consumer spending, and job creation. Recovery periods can lead to renewed investment opportunities and mark
Rede centralizada
A network where information is distributed from a single point.
Rede descentralizada
A system based on nodes where information is distributed in a tree structure. The central nodes distribute information to the intermediate nodes, which, in turn, can decide whether or not to
Rede distribuída
Any information recipient can also be an information sender. The recipients choose the source of information they consider. Social networks, and more specifically Twitter, can represent this
Referenced Fund
A fund that invests at least 80% of its portfolio in federal public securities or low credit risk private fixed income securities. Additionally, at least 95% of its portfolio is composed of a
A stock that identifies its owner. This ownership is only recognized after the shareholder's name is entered in the Register of Registered Shares or by the statement provided by the custodian
A condition required for a company to have its shares listed on a stock exchange, provided it meets the established rules.
You don't want to be a Rekt! 'Rekt' is a misspelled English word—the correct term would be 'Wrecked,' meaning 'wrecked' or 'ruined.' It refers to an investor who loses everything due to a pri
RenBTC is an ERC-20 token that is part of the Ren Protocol project, allowing a decentralized representation of Bitcoin within Ethereum.
Renda fixa
Fixed-income investments, such as CDBs or government bonds, are those in which the invested amount is lent to the issuer (banks, companies, or government). The return is agreed upon in advanc
Renda variável
Variable income investments are those in which a fixed return percentage cannot be determined at the time of investment. The return is determined by the fluctuation in the purchase and sale p
In financial investments, it is the total earnings obtained from an operation before income tax (IR) deduction.
A term used to express the appreciation (or depreciation) of a particular investment in percentage terms. Some analysts use the term 'return' instead of 'profitability.' For example, an indiv
RenVM is a creation of the Ren Protocol, a virtual machine that runs on a second-layer protocol built on Ethereum, aiming to create decentralized anchored tokens controlled by a fully decentr
Replace by Fee (RBF)
A system to modify an unconfirmed transaction. To avoid denial-of-service attacks, the new transaction replacing the previous one must pay both its own fee and the fee of the transaction it r
An agreement where the seller commits to repurchasing a security before its maturity date at a price set at the time of the sale. It is commonly used in short-term operations with government
Reflect the amount of foreign currency and precious metals accumulated by a country. The variation in reserves equals the balance of payments (the result of all transactions of goods, service
The act of withdrawing all or part of the funds invested in a particular application. In some cases, applications have a 'grace period' during which funds cannot be withdrawn.
In some investments, such as investment funds, the investor is required to withdraw at least a predetermined amount, called a minimum redemption. This amount varies from fund to fund but is g
A mining rig is an arrangement of hardware elements—CPU, GPU, FPGA, or ASIC—organized to perform cryptocurrency mining.
Ripple is considered the cryptocurrency of traditional banks and is classified as a centralized cryptocurrency. It is designed for bank transactions, making them agile, validated in seconds,
Risco não sistêmico
"The risk associated with a specific sector or company
Risk Management
The process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks to minimize their impact on investments or business operations. Effective risk management involves implementing strategies to mit
Round Lot
A lot totaling an integer number of standard lots.
S&P 500
The S&P 500, short for Standard & Poor's 500, is an index that measures the daily average variation of the 500 major stocks traded on the U.S. stock exchanges, NYSE and NASDAQ. The stocks inc
One of the most well-known investments in the Brazilian market, savings accounts are synonymous with security for many investors because they are backed by the FGC (Credit Guarantee Fund). Th
Second-Line Stock
A stock issued by large and medium-sized companies
Secondary Market
In the secondary market, traders can buy or sell already issued shares between themselves.
Financial instruments that represent ownership or debt, such as stocks, bonds, and options. Securities can be traded on financial markets and are used to raise capital or invest.
A securities brokerage firm is a financial institution that acts as a bridge between you and the financial market. This happens because an individual does not have direct access to investment
A service for safeguarding securities and exercising rights provided to investors.
A mathematical hash function used by Bitcoin in various contexts, including the mining process.
A person who owns shares in a corporation and becomes a part-owner of the company according to the number of shares they hold.
Sharpe Ratio
A measure of the risk-adjusted return of an investment, calculated by dividing the excess return of the investment by its standard deviation. A higher Sharpe ratio indicates better risk-adjus
Simple Interest
Unlike compound interest, in this case, interest is paid only on the principal amount (or principal) of the investment or loan.
SLUSH FUND (Caixa 2)
Unrecorded money that a company handles without being subjected to taxes.
Small Caps
Small Caps are low-market-value stocks with lower liquidity compared to blue-chip stocks. They usually belong to small companies.
Smart Contract - contratos inteligentes
A smart contract is a way to formalize agreements to transfer an asset if certain conditions are met quickly and reliably.
SmarttBot is a platform focused on traders who aim to operate automatically using investment robots that, based on configured strategies, send orders automatically.
Special Auction
A term that designates the trading session at a time determined by the stock exchange where the operation will take place.
Split (desdobramento)
When a company increases its shareholders' shares proportionally to increase the circulation of its shares without affecting its equity or market value.
The term used for spot market trading of cryptocurrencies.
Spot Market
A market focused on commodities where goods are sold on the spot and delivered immediately.
The difference between the bid price and the ask price in the order book.
SputnikVM is one of the great innovations born from the hard work of the Ethereum Classic development team and its ETC Labs Core.
A method by which cryptocurrency wallets can operate quickly, easily, and with few resources.
A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency designed to maintain a stable market price. Recently, this type of digital currency has grown in popularity, and now there are several stablecoin proj
When a Bitcoin block is successfully created, other attempts to acquire it can be halted because the block is now 'stale' or obsolete. This would be like trying to do work that someone else h
A method of depositing and locking your NFTs or cryptocurrencies into smart contracts that typically generate passive income. Essentially, you lock your tokens (for example) for a period of t
Stellar (XLM)
Stellar (XLM) is a blockchain designed to process payments very quickly and cheaply. Its currency is called 'lumen,' and it is a blockchain designed to serve as a decentralized platform for b
A structure used as partial protection for a trader who holds or wants to buy an asset. In this type of operation, even if the asset does not appreciate as expected by its expiration date, it
A stock is a variable-income security that represents a small part of a company's capital. By purchasing it
Stock Lending
Stock lending is intended for long-term investors in solid company securities. By lending their shares, investors receive, in addition to the profits declared by the company (appreciation, di
Stock Market
A segment of the capital market that includes the primary placement of new shares issued by companies and the secondary trading (on stock exchanges and over-the-counter markets) of already ci
A stock is a small fraction of a company's share capital. For instance
Stop gain
Stop gain is a feature that allows traders to program the automatic sale of their assets when they reach a specified profit price.
Stop loss
Stop loss is a feature that allows traders to automatically sell their assets if they devalue significantly, to avoid further losses.
In this type of operation, the trader trades the same amount of call options and put options on the same asset, with the same exercise price and expiration date.
A swap contract gives the trader the right to exchange the index, expiration dates, or currency of a particular asset on a specific date to protect against price fluctuations.
SWAP (Atomic Swap)
The word 'Swap' means 'Exchange.' Atomic Swap is a term used to define a feature that allows the exchange of cryptocurrencies operating on different blockchains without intermediaries. For ex
Swing trade
Unlike day trading, swing trading involves buying and selling assets over the medium to long term.
A trading strategy with fewer operations over time. It takes advantage of market swings, with operations lasting a few days.
Symmetric Cryptography
"Also known as secret key or key cryptography
Synthetix (SNX)
Synthetix (SNX) is a standout decentralized platform focused on creating synthetic assets that allow interaction with different assets as if they were their native representations but in a fu
Systematic Risk
The risk associated with the overall market or economy that cannot be eliminated through diversification. Systematic risk includes factors such as economic downturns, interest rate changes, a
Tax Rate
A tax rate is a percentage applied to calculate the amount of a specific tax, such as Income Tax. For example, ICMS (Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services) has pre-defined rates by sta
Technical Analysis
The study of historical price and volume data to predict future price movements. Technical analysts use charts and technical indicators to identify patterns and trends.
Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin, a cryptocurrency pegged to and backed by fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar.
The Greek letter theta is used to measure the price variation of an option in relation to time. It helps measure how much an option loses value over time.
A timestamp is a time mark calculated according to various parameters and contributes to the verification of information on the network.
Timothy May
Timothy May was born on December 21, 1951, in Bethesda, United States. He was a prolific and well-known computer technician, ideological writer, electronic engineer, and senior scientist at I
To The Moon
Similar to the term 'Lambo,' it is a hashtag used to express optimism about the momentum of a cryptocurrency.
Tokens are often confused with cryptocurrencies, but there are differences. Cryptocurrencies are created with the purpose of being currencies, while tokens are created to be distributed to pe
Token Allowance
Token Allowance is an interesting feature of Ethereum's ERC-20 and ERC-777 tokens, allowing specific permissions to access and use funds for DApps and DEXs to perform operations autonomously
Tokenization is the process of transforming and representing an asset or object within a blockchain. This process occurs through a digital representation of all its properties, allowing it to
Refers to the creation of an economic ecosystem sustained by tokens. This ecosystem is supported by the various possible interactions with these tokens and their representation as real assets
TOR (The Onion Router)
A routing protocol used by individuals who want to maintain their privacy on the network.
Trade (Cryptocurrency Transaction)
The act of buying and selling a cryptocurrency. When you deposit 100 reais, buy X Bitcoin, and then sell it, you are performing a trading operation.
A trader is a professional who operates in the stock market. Translated to English, it literally means 'merchant,' and the goal is to profit from the margin between buying and selling prices
The exchange of currencies in real-time to generate profit.
Trading Volume
The total number of shares or contracts traded in a security or market during a given period. Higher trading volume often indicates greater market activity and liquidity.
Transaction Block
A compilation of transactions on the Bitcoin network, gathered into a block that can be added to the blockchain and later referenced.
Transaction Malleability
Transaction malleability refers to an attacker's ability to modify or alter the hash that identifies a transaction within the blockchain. This situation can undoubtedly generate serious probl
A stock that has been issued and then repurchased by the issuing company. Companies often hold treasury stocks to sell them at a fair price in the future or distribute them as returns to thei
TRON (TRX) is one of the most ambitious cryptocurrency projects in the cryptographic world, as it seeks to offer a highly scalable and economic platform for smart contracts, DApps, and decent
Tryd is a platform designed for professional traders and offers tools with real-time information, such as order books, news, charts, and quotes directly from BM&F Bovespa, essential for those
TXID (Transaction ID)
Also known as transaction hash. This is a transaction identifier used to reference transactions on a blockchain.
A security referred to in an option (call or put).
A financial institution specializing in underwriting operations for the primary market. In Brazil, these institutions are generally multiple banks, investment banks, distributors, and brokera
A scheme for launching shares through public subscription, for which a company hires a financial intermediary responsible for placing the shares on the market.
A Certificate of Deposit of Shares that represents a quantity of preferred shares (PN) and a quantity of common shares (ON). They are traded in the same way as other shares on the stock excha
Unit Value of the Share (UVS)
The result of dividing the paid-up capital value of a company by the number of issued shares.
A bundle of common and preferred shares.
Unsystematic Risk
The risk associated with a specific asset or company that can be mitigated through diversification. Unsystematic risk includes factors such as company performance and industry conditions.
An entity responsible for validating transactions on a blockchain.
Validator Node
A computer that verifies transactions and adds them to the blockchain.
The period during which tokens or shares are gradually granted to a user or investor.
Virtual Machine
Software that allows the execution of smart contracts on a blockchain.
A type of stock that shows a higher price variation compared to the market as a whole. It is also known as an aggressive stock.
A measure of the extent to which the price of an asset fluctuates over time. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings, while lower volatility indicates more stable prices.
The quantity of an asset traded within a specific time period.
Vortex Indicator
A technical indicator that helps identify trend changes in the market.
Voting Power
The ability to influence governance decisions within a blockchain network.
WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)
The weighted average cost of capital of a company. It is the weighted average of the cost of equity (Ke) and debt (Kd) by their respective participation in the company's total investment. For
Wage Inflation
The rise in wages within an economy, which can lead to increased production costs and higher prices for goods and services.
Wallet Address
A unique string of characters that represents a destination for a cryptocurrency transaction, similar to an account number.
Warm Storage
A type of cryptocurrency storage that is connected to the internet but still offers some level of security, often used for more frequent transactions.
A security that allows the holder to acquire a certain number of shares of public companies, simple or convertible debentures of public companies, from public distributions registered with th
Warrant Premium
The amount by which a warrant's price exceeds its intrinsic value, often due to the time remaining until expiration.
Wash Sale
A transaction where an investor sells a security at a loss and then repurchases it (or a substantially identical security) within a short period, often to claim a tax benefit.
Wash Trading
A form of market manipulation where a trader buys and sells the same asset to create misleading market activity.
A list of securities, cryptocurrencies, or assets that an investor monitors closely for potential trading opportunities.
Weak Hands
Investors who are likely to sell their holdings at the first sign of a market downturn, often causing a further drop in prices.
Web 2.0
The current state of the internet, characterized by user-generated content, social media, and interactive websites.
Web Mining
The process of using a website visitor's computer power to mine cryptocurrency without the visitor's consent.
An internet service built on blockchains (an internet controlled by users and blockchain developers).
Web3 Wallet
A digital wallet that allows users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on Web3, typically connected to the Ethereum network or other blockchain ecosystems.
Wei Dai
Wei Dai is a recognized cryptographer and member of the cypherpunk community, known for his contributions to the field. In the world of cryptocurrencies, he will be remembered for proposing t
Weighted Average Price (WAP)
The average price of a security over a specific period, weighted by volume.
Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
A type of moving average that gives more weight to recent data points, making it more responsive to new information.
A term used to describe an individual or entity that holds a large amount of cryptocurrency, capable of influencing market prices.
Whale Alert
A service or tool that tracks and reports large transactions of cryptocurrency that could impact the market.
Whale Wallet
A cryptocurrency wallet holding a significant amount of funds, typically owned by a 'whale.'
Whale Watching
The act of monitoring the activities of large holders of a cryptocurrency (whales) to predict market movements.
A situation where an asset's price moves quickly in one direction, only to reverse direction just as quickly, often leading to losses for traders.
White Label
A product or service produced by one company that other companies rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it.
A list of selected people, usually through a lottery, who can purchase tokens at a fixed price before their public release. If the project is legitimate and in high demand, this can be one of
The process of approving participants to join an exclusive group, often used in ICOs or airdrops.
A technical document describing the main characteristics or properties of a project based on blockchain technology and its corresponding cryptocurrency.
Window Dressing
A practice adopted by investment fund managers to improve their portfolios during financial reporting periods (usually quarterly). These portfolio changes have little effect on fund performan
The act of withdrawing funds.
Withdrawal Fee
A fee charged by an exchange or platform when you withdraw funds from your account.
Withdrawal Limit
The maximum amount of funds that can be withdrawn from an account within a specific time period.
Wladimir Van Der Laan
Wladimir Van Der Laan is one of the major Bitcoin developers, but also one of the least known in terms of his private life. This is complemented by a reserved public life, where his most nota
Work Token
A type of cryptocurrency token that gives the holder the right to work or participate in a specific service, often seen in decentralized networks.
Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC)
Wrapped Bitcoin or wBTC is an ERC-20 token whose value is pegged 1:1 with Bitcoin, with the purpose of facilitating the migration of Bitcoin value into the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem.
Wrapped Ether (WETH)
A version of Ether (ETH) that is compatible with ERC-20 standards, allowing it to be used in various Ethereum-based applications.
Wrapped Ethereum (wETH)
WETH is a special type of ERC-20 token designed to facilitate different exchange operations between various decentralized platforms that are part of the vast Ethereum ecosystem.
Wrapped Token
A token that represents another asset (like Bitcoin on Ethereum) and allows it to be used on a different blockchain.
A reduction in the book value of an asset when its fair market value has fallen below the carrying value on the balance sheet.
A reduction in the recorded value of an asset, often due to it becoming obsolete or losing value.
X11 (Mining Algorithm)
The X11 mining algorithm is designed based on the use of a sequence of different hash functions, with a single purpose: to offer the best possible security for cryptocurrency mining.
Represents the monetary unit of Bitcoin.
Means ‘ex-dividend.’ If a stock is being traded XD, it no longer carries the right to the most recent dividend.
The ticker symbol for the cryptocurrency Ripple.
The income generated from an investment, typically expressed as a percentage of the investment's value. Yield can come from dividends, interest payments, or other sources of income.
Yield Curve
The name given to the graph that contains the yields of bonds of the same category but with different maturities. The resulting curve indicates whether short-term interest rates are higher or
Yield Farming
Yield farming is a strategy where investors seek to establish the best way to invest to maximize their profits, leveraging their positions by using one or more DeFi platforms in their operati
Yield to Maturity
The internal rate of return that an investor would obtain if the bond is held until maturity.
Yield: Return
If we say that 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds are being traded with a ‘yield’ of 3.20%, it means they yield 3.20% on the market value. This ‘yield’ does not necessarily mean the rate fixed at th
Zcash (ZEC) is a cryptocurrency focused on maintaining maximum security, privacy, and even anonymity for its users in all situations, using top-notch cryptographic technology.
Zero Coupon Bond
A bond that does not pay interest during its term and is traded at a discount to its face value. Its return is calculated by the difference between the purchase price and the face value. Ther
Zero Knowledge Protocol (ZKP)
Zero Knowledge Proof is a cryptographic protocol used to create highly secure distributed systems. ZKP allows sharing and verifying information without revealing unnecessary data.
Zero-Coupon Bond
If a bond has a ‘zero-coupon,’ it indicates that it does not pay fixed interest. Its return is calculated by the difference between the trading price and the redemption value. In these cases,
Zeroing Out
The process of liquidating a position in securities or an obligation to pay.
Zilliqa (ZIL)
Zilliqa (ZIL) is a scalable blockchain designed to process a large number of transactions per second. Its approach involves a combination of sharding techniques and a consensus mechanism.
Zooko Wilcox
Zooko Wilcox is one of the great minds in the cryptographic world, creator of the privacy-focused and anonymous cryptocurrency Zcash. He is a figure who has always been involved in the cypher
ZRX is the utility token of the 0x project, which focuses on providing a decentralized protocol for exchanging ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum network.
ZRX (0x Token)
The ZRX token is part of the 0x protocol, and its function is to create a currency that ensures interoperability between decentralized applications (DApps) that incorporate exchange (DEX) fun